


Marketer Responses and Adjustments

2013-06-21 08:03 阅读(?)评论(0)

Relationship marketing: From focusing on transactions to building long-term, profitable customer relationships. Companies focus on their most profitable customers, products, and channels.

Customer lifetime value: From making a profit on each sale to making profits by managing customer lifetime value. Some companies offer to deliver a constantly needed product on a regular basis at a lower price per unit because they will enjoy the customer's business for a longer period.

Customer share: From a focus on gaining market share to a focus on building customer share. Companies build customer share by offering a larger variety of goods to their existing customers and by training employees in cross-selling and up-selling.

Target marketing: From selling to everyone to trying to be the best firm serving well-defined target markets. Target marketing is being facilitated by the proliferation of special-interest magazines, TV channels, and Internet newsgroups.

Individualization: From selling the same offer in the same way to everyone in the target market to individualizing and customizing messages and offerings.

Customer database: From collecting sales data to building a data warehouse of information about individual customers' purchases, preferences, demographics, and profitability. Companies can "data-mine" their proprietary databases to detect different customer need clusters and make differentiated offerings to each cluster.

Integrated marketing communications: From reliance on one communication tool such as advertising to blending several tools to deliver a consistent brand image to customers at every brand contact.

Channels as partners: From thinking of intermediaries as customers to treating them as partners in delivering value to final customers.

Every employee a marketer: From thinking that marketing is done only by marketing, sales, and customer support personnel to recognizing that every employee must be customer-focused.

Model-based decision making: From making decisions on intuition or slim data to basing decisions on models and facts on how the marketplace works.

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