


Distribution Dicisions

2013-04-15 02:17 阅读(?)评论(0)

Select distributors-- do not let them select you: Typically, manufacturers are approached by potential distributors at international fairs and exhibitions, but the most eager potential distributors are often the wrong people to partner with.

Look for distributors capable of developing markets, rather than those with a few obvious contacts: This means sometimes bypassing the most obvious choice--the distributor who has the right customers and can generate quick sales-- in favour of a partner with a greater willinges to make long-term investments and an acceptance of an open relationship.

Treat the local distributors as long-term partners, not temporary market-entry vehicles: Many companies actively signal to distributors that their intentions are only for the short term, drawing up contracts that allow them to buy back distribtution rights after a few years. Under such a short term agreement the problem is that the local distributor does not have much incentive to invest in the necessary long-term marketing development.

Support market entry by committing money, managers, and proven marketing ideas: Many manufactures are reluctant to commit resources at the early stages of a market entry. However, to retain strategic control, the international marketer must commit adequate corporate resources. This is especially true during market entry, when companies are least certain about their prospect in new countries.

From the start, maitain control over marketing strategy: An independent distributor should be allowed to adapt the manufacture's strategy to local conditions. However, only companies providing solid leadership for marketing will be in a position to exploit the full potential of a global marketing network.

Make sure distributors provide you with detailed market and financial performance data: Most distributors regard data like customer identification and local price levels as key sources of power in the relationship with the manufacture. But the manufacture's ability to exploit its competitive advantages in the international market depends heavily on the quality of information it obtains from the market. Therefore a contract with distributor must include the exchange of such information, like detailed market and financial performance data.

Build links among national distributors at the earliest opportunity: The links may take form of creating an independent national distributor concil or a regional corporate office. The transfer of ideas within local markets can improve performance and result in greater consistency in the execution of international marketing strategies because links to other national distributor network could be established. This could lead to a cross-national transfer of efficient marketing tools.

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